Monday, July 19, 2010


Sense Signals
From Cranial Channels
Marks for Mind
Subtler than Sand

Strictly Signposts
Roses are
Tears are Untextable
Soul, Unspeakable

As Phone to Phone
Inside to Inside
Words are Wires
and Much is Missing

Among Communication Cables
Poetry Outperforms All
With Words Woven and Wound
Richness is Received

Saturday, July 03, 2010


I think I want more. Do you want more? I could really use more. Because I don't have enough. But if I had more it would be great. Wouldn't it? Once I have more I will be satisfied, I would. I would get to that place where I'm not right now. Because I'm not there yet, but I see where I want to go. It just requires a bit more. So I'm looking for it, and it kind of leaves me dissatisfied because I don't have it: that little bit more. It's kind of like a gnawing, a little empty burning inside. I hope I find more soon.
